Thomas Road Clinic - Now Open

Schools & Sports Teams

How to Win $500 for Your School or Sports Team

  • Spread the Word: Share the Colour Dash with friends, family, and your community. The more people who sign up, the better your chances!

  • Encourage Sign-Ups: For every person who registers for the Colour Dash, your school or sports team earns an entry to win $500. There two $500 cash prizes to be won.

  • Complete the Referral Box:

    • When purchasing tickets, be sure to fill in your school or team name in the Referral Box "(How did you hear about the event?" ) box at checkout.

    • Write the School or Sports Team name clearly to avoid any confusion (no abbreviations, please).

  • That's It! Each sign-up linked to your school or team boosts your chance to win. Let the fun begin and good luck!

Book a complimentary prime position picnic site for your School or Sports Team (marquee not included).

After the dash, stick around for the Colour Carnival, featuring music, dancing, fun activities, photo ops, and a sausage sizzle.  Booking a 5 x 5m site ensures you prime position for the Colour Carnival.   Sites will be allocated on a first in first serve basis, with locations being finalized the week before the event. You can book a site when they register your school or sports team.